As we continue our gradual reopen, for the health and safety of all attendees, we are required to have attendees pre-register to attend worship at the Empowered Outreach Church. By registering and/or attending you agree to and confirm the following:
That you, nor any of those being registered, have symptoms of COVID-19 and are not ill. That you, nor any of those being registered and/or attending, have been around anyone known to have COVID-19. That you, and those you are registering and/or attending, will wear a self-provided face mask at all times in the facility and keep physical distance when seated. That, in perpetuity, you and/or those attending hold Empowered Outreach Church and its personnel and any other attendees harmless in any way and, in perpetuity, can not in any way blame Empowered Outreach Church, its personnel, nor any other attendees for any illness or sickness.
With the safety of all in mind, we ask that those who have experienced any COVID-19 related symptoms, those have compromised immune symptoms or health-related issues, or those who are not quite ready to be around large groups of people.
join us From your home
ONLINE: FACEBOOK “Empowered Outreach Church”
BY PHONE: 712-432-3900, CONFERENCE ID: 328901#
“All In At 10!”
“I’ll See You In The Breakthrough!”